Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tag and a Surprise Visitor

Kachina was still without Fancy yesterday, so I had the opportunity to get the little filly all by herself and play around with her. One of Kachina's favorite games is tag; she loves to run, and she's so incredibly athletic and aware of her space (and where I am in it). She has amazing body control, and can literally run at you full speed, put on the breaks inches in front of you, and spin around and take off in the other direction, all without making you feel the least bit endangered. She can twist herself into a pretzel in midair and hit the ground running. Obstacles are cleared effortlessly, without ever breaking stride, and she moves without any awkwardness at all.

She's also extremely sensitive to pressure, and she enjoys playing stalking games. Even from across the paddock, we'll square up and watch each other; if I take a step to the left, she takes a step to the right, if I move forward, she backs up, I'll run up the paddock and, at the same time, she will run down. It's a very interesting and amazing dance, each of us mirroring the other. I wish I could have gotten it on video.

Unfortunately, by the time we decided to pull out the camera, both Kachina and I were a little exhausted so we didn't get pictures of all the galloping, rearing, bucking and jumping - you know, the good shots. Plus, P was using his new camera, which we haven't figured out yet, so the picture quality isn't great. Still, they're some pretty nice pictures of the game:

While cleaning up the paddock, I noticed that Kachina was very interested in the trees on the hill. So, trusting her to see things I couldn't, I followed her gaze until I spotted what she'd noticed: a surprise visitor!

I guess Kachina wasn't so alone after all.


  1. I love your blog! Please take a few short videos of your games and her acrobatics.

  2. I will definitely try! (although I have no idea how to upload them to YouTube - something to figure out!)

  3. Hi! I came by to say thanks for following my blog, and am now captivated by the story of you and Kachina. She is so beautiful!!! I'm so glad that you two found each other... it sounds like it was meant to be.

    How wonderful it would be if all horses that need rescued could find a happy home. :-)

    Hugs to both of you!

  4. What an awesome color she is shedding out to be, love that dorsal stripe! :)

  5. As April says above, WOW -- GREAT color, like those great photos you linked to previously... This is the first set of pictures where WE can see how pretty she is...

  6. Thanks for all the comments, guys! I wish I could get better photos of her, but she's so curious about the camera that they all end up being pictures of her nose! It's good practice for me to hone my photography skills (or lack there of).
