Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cold Spell

A sudden frost rolled in last night. It's freezing cold here. Well, ok, compared to other places I guess it's not that cold, but for the Bay Area, this is cold. Ice on my windshield might as well be a blizzard.

I didn't visit Kachina yesterday. I needed to go out (in the opposite direction) and put blankets on Maverick, Rico and Gypsy, while Donna blanketed Kachina and Fancy.

Donna once told me that, if Fancy were still with the people she'd been living with in Montana, she'd be suffering days of -20°, with nights being even colder, with no blanket, no shelter, no lean-to or windbreak, underweight -- practically skin-and-bones -- and arthritic and too sore to move around much. I can't imagine. I'm glad Donna has her now, where she's fed, cared for and warm in the Winter.

To a degree, yes, my horses are "California horses," and anything below 45° causes me concern. But just because a horse can stand some low temperatures and only be uncomfortable, why let them? Why not make them comfortable? Humans can withstand some pretty low temperatures without freezing to death too, but wouldn't you rather have a coat if one was available?

Anyway, I'll probably go out to see Kachina today. It'll be a good day to introduce her to umbrellas and rain coats.

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