Tuesday, February 17, 2009

OT: Warning, Extremely Graphic Images

Kachina's fine, no worries. This is a bit off topic, but still important. And I promise this blog won't get political, I'm not going to force my views on anyone, and I won't be doing this sort of thing often, but this issue hits very close to home:

This was forwarded to me on a horse mailing list this morning, and then I saw it again on Fugly Horse of the Day. The images on the following page are extremely graphic. I'm warning you. I've seen a lot of disturbing things, and I have a considerably strong stomach, but even I could only stand looking at three of the five-hundred images.

From the original post, which can be found here:

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"After a three year battle, the USDA was finally required to release pictures of horses who were injured or killed during double-decker rides to the slaughterhouse.

WARNING: Extremely graphic. Don't look if you can't handle it.


From the site: 'Thirty-six months after making a Freedom of Information Request of the U.S.D.A. regarding violations of the “Commercial Transportation of Equines to Slaughter Act” at the horse slaughter plant in Fort Worth, I received the documents. Nothing could have prepared me for their content. The 906-page FOIA includes almost 500 separate photographs of severe and alarming cruelty at the plant during part of 2005. I am an exceptionally seasoned investigator but was unprepared for the very extreme level of inhumane treatment of these animals on U.S. soil.
Click here to find out how to vote for HR 503 to ban the transport of American horses out of the country for slaughter.

Click here to read about HR 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009 that would ban double-decker transport in ALL states. More information. This bill provides for penalties of $100 to $500 per horse for violations...now THAT will do something toward keeping our horses off of double-deckers.

You can always identify and write your representatives at this link. Please ask them to support both HR 503 and HR 305!'"

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What does this have to do with Kachina? If the rescue had waited one more day, or hadn't chosen her as one of the handful of horses -- out of over a hundred horses -- they could save, she would have been on one of these transports bound for Canada. I'm talking a day's difference. The thought literally makes me nauseous.

That was almost Kachina.

1 comment:

  1. I saw those pics on Fugly. They made me SICK! My two mares, Beauty and Gigondas, were also on a feedlot. Scary, isn't it? I wish I had more land and could save more, but I have to board my horses and that costs me plenty! I'm glad you visited my blog! I am now following yours!
    Cheryl Ann
